The Dalakuru Justice Fund

For generations, the people of the village of Dalakuru in Sierra Leone have mined gold to make a living. For some it is the only industry they know. Their work is hard but stable. Now, nearly overnight, that stability has been ripped out from under them.

In late June 2020, representatives from the Chinese-owned Cheng Li Mining Company and the Chiefdom authorities told the villagers they had to leave their mines and stop working. The company made a deal to buy the land for their own mining operations without consulting the hundreds of workers that decision would affect.

They brought in soldiers to enforce the orders and the heightened tensions, confusion, and outrage caused the youth of Dalakuru to demand answers from their leaders. Instead of hearing them out, soldiers tore people from their homes, beating and pushing villagers, and burning houses and businesses in the community mining camp. Demonstrators were injured and arrested.

People in the community are now displaced or have had their homes and businesses burned. They have been ignored by their leadership and have been taken advantage of by outside investors. The people of Dalakuru want their lives back, but the mining company and Chiefdom authorities have stripped away their bargaining power and have made them desperate. A fair deal is impossible when the sides are so uneven.

As the country enters the “Hungry Season,” the time when last year’s food stashes are nearing their end and next year’s harvest is still months away, the displaced Dalakuruans need immediate aid so they can focus on coming to a deal that ensures the long-term success of the village. If they are without their basic needs, they may be forced into an unjust agreement out of sheer desperation. The youth of Dalakuru are demanding justice and demanding a truly fair deal that ensures the prosperity of the people. Their movement needs support so that the unchecked greed of Chinese investors won’t be allowed to define the future of their community. We ask that you stand with these protestors by giving to the Dalakuru Justice Fund and by sharing the message demanding justice and a fair deal for the workers of Dalakuru.

( Made with Carrd )